All Nomination Forms must be downloaded at National Awards Nomination Form 2019
To complete:
- Print the Form, thereafter with a blue or black ink pen, write the information legibly onto the Form and submit the Form;
Please note that Forms cannot be submitted online and must be printed and then submitted. Nomination forms completed in accordance with the instructions shall be addressed to:
The Secretary
National Awards Committee
Private Bag 466
Port – of – Spain
The closing date for the receipt of nominations for National Awards is APRIL 26, 2019
Persons who are making the nominations are asked to ensure that all particulars requested in respect of the nominee are supplied, in particular:
- The names given shall be the correct names as recorded on unexpired national forms of identification;
- The contact telephone numbers must be indicated on the Form;
- You must ensure the accuracy of the information provided on the Form;
- The nominee information in the sphere in which the award is recommended should be concise and clearly outlined.
Please do not use more than two pages.
There are five categories of National Awards as follows:
- Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
- Chaconia Medal which may be awarded to any person who has performed long and meritorious service to Trinidad
and Tobago tending to promote the national welfare or strengthen the community spirit: C.M.T.T - Medal for the Development of Women which may be awarded to any person for outstanding contribution to the
development of women’s rights and issues: M.D.W; - Hummingbird Medal which may be awarded to any person who has rendered loyal and devoted service beneficial
to Trinidad and Tobago in any field of human endeavor or for gallantry or other humane action: H.B.M; - Medal of Merit which may be awarded for outstanding and meritorious service in the Public Service, The Defence
and Protective Services or service with Statutory Bodies performing national functions: M.O.M
- Nominations are made for National Awards by members of the Public and/or Organizations to the National Awards Committee established by Cabinet;
- The National Awards Committee considers these nominations and forwards its recommendations to the Prime Minister;
- The Prime Minister in turn considers the recommendations of the National Awards Committee and may or may not
accept and may add to them. The Prime Minister advises the President accordingly; and - The President makes the Award on the advice of the Prime Minister, subject to the consent of the recommended