Aug 11 2018
Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley led Cabinet in a one-day retreat yesterday (Friday 10th August, 2018)
Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley led Cabinet in a one-day retreat yesterday (Friday 10th August, 2018)at the Diplomatic Centre, St Anns. During this exercise Ministers focused on the development programme and plans for the upcoming national budget.
Aug 10 2018
Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley is hosting a reception for Bollywood superstar and owner of the Trinbago Knight Riders Shah Rukh Khan before tonight’s match
Aug 09 2018
In case you missed this week’s Post Cabinet Press conference
Aug 06 2018
Reassignment, Revocation and Appointment of Ministers
In accordance with the provisions of Sections 3(9), 76(3) and 79(1) and 82(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley yesterday (August 05, 2018) advised Her Excellency Paula-Mae Weekes, President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to: 1. revoke the appointment of Mr. Maxie […]
Aug 01 2018
Prime Minister’s Emancipation Message 2018
Fellow citizens, as we here in Trinidad and Tobago celebrate Emancipation Day, I take the opportunity to share with you a few of my thoughts surrounding our history as far as slavery is concerned. Having come to these shores shackled and chained as slaves to work on the sugar plantations, our African ancestors endured great […]
Jul 30 2018
The House debate the motion to approve the notification of the nomination of Mr. Gary Griffith to the office of Commissioner of Police.
Jul 30 2018
Gary Griffith will be appointed the next Commissioner of Police
Gary Griffith will be appointed the next Commissioner of Police after the motion to approve his nomination to the position was approved in the House of Representatives.
Jul 30 2018
The House Debates the Motion to Approve Gary Griffith to the Position of CoP
Tune in now to hear the House debate the motion to approve the notification of the nomination of Mr. Gary Griffith to the office of Commissioner of Police.
Jul 30 2018
Gary Griffith to Be Appointed Commissioner of Police
Gary Griffith will be appointed the next Commissioner of Police after the motion to approve his nomination to the position was approved in the House of Representatives.
Jul 27 2018
Prime Minister Rowley Visits Coast Guard Headquarters
Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley visited the Coast Guard Headquarters at Staubles Bay, Chaguaramas today. Prime Minister Rowley received a brief from senior officers of the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard regarding their ongoing activities, toured the facility and vessels. The Prime Minister announced during a press conference after his tour that Cabinet […]